Academic Project at TU Delft
Client: Ford - Open Briefing Assignment
Completed in 8 weeks in 2019
Simone Uriartt: Field Research, Conceptualization and Graphic Design
Priyanka Shah: Field Research, Conceptualization, Copywriting
Pim van Os: Field Research, Conceptualization and Graphic Design
Eveline van der Sanden: Field Research, Conceptualization, Copywriting
We envision a future in which Ford will enable us to make environmentally conscious decisions, go on shared journeys to meet people and have meaningful, immersive experiences with them.
ENERGY: The future belongs with the recycled renewables due to the challenges of climate change.
WORK & EDUCATION: In the future work and education will be decentralized, we can just do all of it from home and only choose to travel consciously.
MARKET & MANUFACTURING: Companies will strive for minimal environmental impact during production due to customer demand and change in regulations.
Gen Z is inclined to spend their lives behind screens and engage in less physical contact. Simultaneously, they want to be more energy efficient and eco-friendly. How can Ford, through redefining the meaning of a journey, help them to accomplish their needs of self-expression and being energy resilient?
Using energy wisely: Giving users insights into their energy consumption and tips on how to reduce it.
Enabling shared journeys to save energy and upscaling enablers production.
Join debates, discussions, experiments
or dive into diverse research topics. Meet great minds that share your passion on the go. We at Ford will take you on such a journey.
Enabling immersive journeys to save energy & motivate people to meet new people.
By this time owning a car would be really expensive, since energy is the currency and energy expended to make a car and maintain it would be too high.